Alison Garwood Jones

Ancient find

November 2, 2016

Two markers from the 1970s and '80s: A Pantone and a Buffalo Marker

Remains from the ancient city of Hamilton: Pantone broad-nib marker carbon tested to 1981, and Buffalo Artist Marker, circa 1976 (note the teeth marks on cap, thought to be placed there by a small child).

These exceptional finds post-date the Minoans, Mycenaeans, Greeks and Romans. And while they may be grouped with other common finds — like metal work, lamps and pottery — they add immeasurably to the material remains of past cultures.

Badly preserved drawings of the period, thought to be executed with these tools, include highly crude representations of people, decorative flowers and sober two-dimensional structures with puffing chimneys.


2 responses to “Ancient find”

  1. Tessa says:

    How do you still manage to have stuff like this? Where do you keep it all?

  2. Alison says:

    Well, they don’t take up too much room, Tessa. Thanks for being my first commenter on my new “native” WordPress commenting platform! xo

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