Alison Garwood Jones

Content Relief Supplements

Originally published in February 2023 in Blog

I’m suffering from mood swings … over AI. I go from “Holy Wow, this is cool. Let me ask it this question” to “How dare the Tech Bros foist this upon us when we’re still climbing out of a pandemic.” In my sleep-deprived moments, Generative AI feels like content marketing in a pill. I know […]

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Tech Explainer

Originally published in February 2023 in Blog

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AI and Creativity

Originally published in February 2023 in Blog

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ChatGPT Won’t Be Writing To My Valentine

Originally published in January 2023 in Blog

If you haven’t read Ann Handley’s newsletter this week, here it is. She wrote it herself. Actually, she brought her full self, past and present, to this rumination on AI’s breakout moment. Ann probably had to tie her hair back while she was writing — now that she has grown out her pixie. And maybe […]

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