Alison Garwood Jones

Summer School

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog

Is this you at work? • Our website traffic is tanking. Now what? • Does keyword research even matter now that Google is abandoning search? • How the heck do we create and measure ROI in this new landscape? If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone. Join me in class at the University of […]

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Practicing What I Preach

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Continuing Education, Grief, Pen Jar Productions, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

How Alison Garwood-Jones uses the marketing skills she teaches at SCS to reach the right audience for her new book about navigating grief.

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Learner Profile: Megan Fleming

Originally published in January 2024 in Blog

A look at how continuing education and a plan helped one learner find her dream job.

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My First Student With a Job in AI

Originally published in August 2023 in Blog, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

A few weeks after a posted this, the University of Toronto (SCS) published an interview with the talented student I profile in this blog.   Earlier this month, I got an email from a former student who said she was moving on from a career as a digital content specialist to take on an AI-centric […]

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Don’t Google Yourself, Try Binging

Originally published in August 2023 in Blog

No pretty pictures today • All business To my writer friends trying to improve their online presence (all of us): Don’t Google yourself, starting “Binging” your name. Find out what sources Chat GPT-4 in collaboration with Bing search are using to tell your story. This story is what prospects will see and believe. My results […]

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This is Your Brain on AI

Originally published in May 2023 in Blog

What are the incentives to think for ourselves now that we are starting to outsource thinking to machines? Will the long-term effect of ChatGPT on our brains be similar to the impact of fast food on our bodies? The more I use ChatGPT to help me write, the more I feel my brain getting flabby […]

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Summer School

Originally published in May 2023 in Blog

As a freelance writer and illustrator, it’s my job to stay on top of the latest tools to create, market and distribute my writing, illustrations, videos and audio content. If this is relevant to your job too, join me in class this summer for Digital Communications Strategy & Social Media (also available in Micro courses) […]

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AI and Eureka

Originally published in March 2023 in Blog

I’m finding that incorporating AI’s output into my own writing makes me feel further from my subject (and clients), not closer.

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Content Relief Supplements

Originally published in February 2023 in Blog

I’m suffering from mood swings … over AI. I go from “Holy Wow, this is cool. Let me ask it this question” to “How dare the Tech Bros foist this upon us when we’re still climbing out of a pandemic.” In my sleep-deprived moments, Generative AI feels like content marketing in a pill. I know […]

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Social Media: Chapter One is Over

Originally published in January 2023 in Blog, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, Webinars

I’ve often said that teaching digital communications is not like guiding a class through the 17 French verb conjugations. Those won’t change. Digital comms … not so much. Think: cinematic storm clouds and thunderclaps, and maybe an arena full of bucking broncos! So here I am again writing down ideas on tiny torn-up sheets of […]

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