New additions
March 12, 2013
Photo: Ryan Faubert, Design: Alison Garwood-Jones
I’ve upgraded my blog and website. Here’s a rundown of the changes:
1. I added a throw to my new fiction site called Drop Cap (enter through the parachute, top left)
2. I’ve reorganized my drawings on a separate site called iArt (enter through the Etch-A-Sketch, top left).
3. I’ve trumpeted these additions on my home page with three new fancy tags. I’m not the only one who likes those vintage office tags.
And in case you’re wondering about the art above, I was inspired by old record covers from the early 1960s — in particular, The Supremes and some old comedy recordings by Elaine May and Mike Nichols. Here I tried to replicate the quality of the photography fifty years ago on pulpy LP sleeves (grainy black and white). I also got that sixties look by adding false eyelashes, courtesy of Photoshop (I already had the pixie). To finish, I added a few signature graphic touches of the era: round stickers with serrated edges, the Bewitched sparkly text and the oval WordPress symbol I invented to look like the old labels for Capitol Records and Mercury Records.
There is nothing “High Fidelity” about this website, but I like Nick Hornby, so in it went.
Finally, I’d like to thank my friend, Graham Scott, for turning all of my website ideas from the last three years into HTML reality. Nice work, Graham!
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