Alison Garwood Jones


March 10, 2014

Miss Bossy Boots

“When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’ Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.”

This problem isn’t new, but using social media to create an awareness of the word is.

If you’re girl or a guy and you agree that the “B-word” is one more double standard that needs to go “Poof!” then please get on board with the Ban Bossy initiative, started by by Lean In and the Girl Scouts of America. Let’s give girls the chance to assert their best energy and ideas. Let’s also give boys the chance to get used to it. No, really. The Good Men Project was inspired by a similar need to challenge accepted cultural norms about what it means to be a “Real Man.” “Sensitive,” “kind,” and “considerate” aren’t emasculating words, they’re humanizing. Besides, not all guys want to be like Norman Mailer, nor should they feel pressured to follow his example when Jimmy Stewart is more their style.

Negotiating how we share space on this earth takes patience, persistence and the right choice of words. So let’s get talking.

Turn bossy → Badass. This video should help.



4 responses to “#BanBossy”

  1. David Hayes says:

    Nice one! I'm posting on my brother/sister-in-law's FB page, thinking of my adorable little niece, Saroise.

  2. Jane Rimmer says:

    Thanks, Alison. I just read a number of commentaries claiming that 'bossy' is a unisex term, but I have NEVER heard it used to refer to a boy or a man! It mostly just shames and humiliates girls and women. I also think your comment about social media is so apt.

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