More than words
October 3, 2017
This blog started out as a place to write. That was ten years ago.
Today words have lost their lustre for me. I’m shocked and put out by the way language has being kicked around, mocked, and misused. I used to rely on words to express truths. My love for and response to them was intense and loyal. It still is.
But now that so many careless hucksters are messing with the reputation and integrity of language, the power words have over me has diminished. I find more truth in drawing.
I’ll continue to write and read, and read and read, but I’ll mend my broken heart over all the post-truths passing themselves off as language with colour and lots of lucious, inky lines.
Above: “Your local,” “She said ‘no'” and “Mulling over her answer”— three brushpen and watercolour drawings by Alison Garwood-Jones inspired by life in the 1940s.
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