Jane’s Walk Toronto
April 11, 2021
Jane’s Walk is a grassroots movement focused on city building. It’s named after the urban activist and badass Torontonian Jane Jacobs.
Every Spring, to honour Jane’s birthday and her spirit of inquiry, cities around the world host volunteer-led walking tours that make spaces for people to observe, reflect, share, question, and re-imagine the places in which they live, work and play.*
Each event gives agency to and champions the voices of everyday people.
Jane’s Walk Toronto (Jane’s Walk Toronto) is happening virtually this year from May 7-9.
You can now sign up to lead a virtual walk.
The 3 virtual walk formats are:
• Live-Streamed Walks
• 3D Walks
• Self-Guided Walks
The Toronto organizers, Erika and Juan, have made the process super easy:
Go to JanesWalkFestivalTo.com and fill out a Walk Leader form, and they will promptly get back to you.
Walk submission deadline: April 30th, 2021.
*In between walks, if you’re in the mood to colour a picture of a Toronto neighbourhood, go to the resources page of JanesWalkFestivalTo.com and download my colouring page, complete with little kids jumping on backyard trampolines. I had to think fast and come up with a logo for my artsy adventures. I’m proud to be part of an event that gets our minds and bodies moving.

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