Alison Garwood Jones

How I Learned to Promote My Graphic Novel

Originally published in July 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Books on Parental Loss, Grief

I’ve had to learn how to promote my graphic novel to reach my audience. It’s like building a house from the ground up.

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Let Google Do the Googling for You

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog

It was a big week in internet history. Google announced last Monday that AI search results are coming to the masses, meaning that the human-powered web (i.e. websites and keyword search) will recede dramatically. The very meaning of the verbs, “Google that” and “to surf” the web, will become a thing of the past as […]

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The Evolution of Digital Strategy

Originally published in January 2024 in Blog

Digital Strategy has evolved since 2014, calling for marketers to write a new playbook.

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