Alison Garwood Jones

My Stylish Youth

Originally published in December 2022 in Blog

In hindsight, it’s fun and unnerving to discover that the everyday objects from your childhood are now pedestalled and spotlighted in a show on Canadian Modern design (see for details). Today’s highlights from the show: • Thermos Model 6402 | 1962 A smaller version of this orange canister fit inside my Snoopy lunchbox. Designed by Julian […]

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Best in Class

Originally published in April 2019 in Blog, Canadian House and Home, Profile,

Anyone who knows me knows I like interviewing people who are best in their fields. I got to do that for the May issue of House & Home magazine. I sat down with Tony Round of blackLAB architects inc. and designer Cameron MacNeil to find out how they positioned, built, and appointed a modern farmhouse […]

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