Alison Garwood Jones

Milton Glaser on Attentiveness

Originally published in March 2023 in Blog, Toronto Illustrators

“Attentiveness is the great benefit of drawing.” Milton Glaser said that. But becoming attentive to your life is a question for every human, not just artists. To pay attention without preconceptions is massively challenging. As Milton explained it, too much belief spelled the end to observation and understanding. Self-restraint, like listening, is an exercise in […]

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Milton Glaser

Originally published in August 2020 in Blog, Profile,, Toronto Illustrators

Milton Glaser was (and is) my teacher. He didn’t know that. But I know it and so do the thousands of other attuned souls who sidled up to him for wisdom. When Milton explained that “Attentiveness is the great benefit of drawing,” I instantly understood why drawing had taken hold of me over words.  Becoming […]

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