Alison Garwood Jones

Summer School

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog

Is this you at work? • Our website traffic is tanking. Now what? • Does keyword research even matter now that Google is abandoning search? • How the heck do we create and measure ROI in this new landscape? If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone. Join me in class at the University of […]

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Learner Profile: Megan Fleming

Originally published in January 2024 in Blog

A look at how continuing education and a plan helped one learner find her dream job.

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Summer School

Originally published in May 2023 in Blog

As a freelance writer and illustrator, it’s my job to stay on top of the latest tools to create, market and distribute my writing, illustrations, videos and audio content. If this is relevant to your job too, join me in class this summer for Digital Communications Strategy & Social Media (also available in Micro courses) […]

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