Photo: Alison Garwood-Jones The Merchant Tavern, TORONTO (@TheMerchantTo): Colouring on the back of a window makes the shaded areas appear more solid from the front. This is especially true on double-pane glass. This is my latest #ChalkArt discovery using Molotow acrylic markers. Some other things I’ve learned since I started drawing on windows two summers ago: […]
Why hire an artist?
Originally published in June 2017 in Blog
Any business can order vinyl lettering, but having a chalk artist on site shows more care and commitment to the customer (who wants to be delighted), your business and the artistic community. It creates work! People love to stop and talk to artists in action. The biggest feedback I get is: you spelled that wrong. […]
Window Art: My process
Originally published in May 2017 in Blog