Alison Garwood Jones

My Big Media Interview With Rupert (the golden retriever)

Originally published in April 2024 in Blog, Books, Books on Grief, Books on Parental Grief, Cartoons, Comic, Gift Ideas, Graphic Novel, Grief, Holiday Gift Ideas, Illustration, Pen Jar Productions, Toronto Illustrators

In my proudest earned media moment to date, yesterday I snagged an interview with Rupert, the white golden retriever.

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Custom Home Portraits

Originally published in October 2020 in Blog, Holiday Gift Ideas, Toronto Illustrators

A custom illustration of your home makes an original holiday gift.

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Algonquin Island Christmas Boutique

Originally published in November 2019 in Blog, Holiday Gift Ideas, Toronto Illustrators

I love it when I get up early to make art. I especially like imagining the features of my city through line and colour. Reading about Toronto in a novel or seeing its what makes it unique through an illustration is a really good way to step outside of our ourselves and our routines and […]

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