Alison Garwood Jones

Practicing What I Preach

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Continuing Education, Grief, Pen Jar Productions, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

How Alison Garwood-Jones uses the marketing skills she teaches at SCS to reach the right audience for her new book about navigating grief.

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Mother’s Day is Remembrance Day for Orphaned Adults … and it’s complicated

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Grief

Mother’s Day is Remembrance Day for Orphaned Adults. Survey results reveal how you are handling it now that she’s gone.

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Down came the snow

Originally published in January 2013 in Blog

When her emotions were reeling And her writing hand couldn’t keep up — Or even find an entry point on the page — She read obsessively. Indiscriminately. And, as Dylan Thomas liked to say, With her eyes hanging out.

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