Alison Garwood Jones

Practicing What I Preach

Originally published in May 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Continuing Education, Grief, Pen Jar Productions, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

How Alison Garwood-Jones uses the marketing skills she teaches at SCS to reach the right audience for her new book about navigating grief.

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My First Student With a Job in AI

Originally published in August 2023 in Blog, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

A few weeks after a posted this, the University of Toronto (SCS) published an interview with the talented student I profile in this blog.   Earlier this month, I got an email from a former student who said she was moving on from a career as a digital content specialist to take on an AI-centric […]

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Social Media: Chapter One is Over

Originally published in January 2023 in Blog, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, Webinars

I’ve often said that teaching digital communications is not like guiding a class through the 17 French verb conjugations. Those won’t change. Digital comms … not so much. Think: cinematic storm clouds and thunderclaps, and maybe an arena full of bucking broncos! So here I am again writing down ideas on tiny torn-up sheets of […]

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Student Success Stories

Originally published in January 2022 in Blog, Continuing Education, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

Just a few of the students who came to class with very sharp pencils. If you are on this page because you’re thinking of enrolling in my University of Toronto Digital Strategy course, I can see you! But seriously, Hi, I’m glad you stopped by. Whenever I take a course — I took Creating Comics […]

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