Alison Garwood Jones

Mid-Century Modern Memories

Originally published in June 2022 in Blog

My latest commission is personal for two reasons: 1. It’s a digital watercolour drawing of a mid-century modern brick bungalow that my dad, Trevor, designed back in 1966. The home was demolished by a developer in 2017 and replaced with an out-of-the box McMansion. Thomas Allen (whose devotion to Hamilton’s heritage is beyond beyond) described […]

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Custom Home Portraits

Originally published in October 2020 in Blog, Holiday Gift Ideas, Toronto Illustrators

A custom illustration of your home makes an original holiday gift.

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House Portraits

Originally published in July 2020 in Blog, Toronto Illustrators

PROCESS PORN: I think the architecture of a house determines my drawing style. I suspect there are a few other mysterious factors that go into it. I haven’t settled on a cookie cutter style. When I do, I’ll stop and draw something else.  My latest commission, an ivy-covered Georgian in Toronto, was a birthday present […]

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