SHAMELESS PLUG, TORONTO: Dear recent university grads: Please join me this summer if you want to earn an in-demand certificate in Digital Strategy from the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies (@UofTSCS). In just four weeks, you’ll develop essential job-ready employment skills, and lay the foundation for career success to last a lifetime. Learn […]
New grads need jobs
Originally published in April 2018 in Blog, Jobs for new graduates, Uncategorized
Look and learn
Originally published in September 2016 in Blog, Uncategorized
Sunrise, sunset
Originally published in June 2016 in Blog, Uncategorized
Sunrise, sunset. Then sunrise again. In a roundabout way, this art project involving paint, foam board and a my new butcher block desk as a background, was inspired by an essay by the writer-turned-broadcaster, Hanna Rosin. Her resonant piece talks about giving up mastery and dropping back down to zero. But, really, it’s about a skills […]
Why hire a graphic recorder?
Originally published in November 2015 in Blog, Doodling, Graphic Recording, Graphic Visualizer, Illustration, Uncategorized, Visual Notetaking, Visual Storytelling
The Wall
Originally published in May 2014 in Blog, Uncategorized
Originally published in March 2014 in Blog, Uncategorized
“When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’ Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can […]
The year of living dyingly
Originally published in December 2011 in Blog, Uncategorized
Street talk
Originally published in October 2011 in Blog, Uncategorized
I’ve often wondered the origin of street names in Toronto, especially when I have work to do. If you’re looking for a distraction too, here’s some trivia: Queen Street: Named after HRH Queen Victoria. Formerly called Lot Street. King Street: Another royal road, King Street was named after King George III, but has also at […]