Alison Garwood Jones

My Big Media Interview With Rupert (the golden retriever)

Originally published in April 2024 in Blog, Books, Books on Grief, Books on Parental Grief, Cartoons, Comic, Gift Ideas, Graphic Novel, Grief, Holiday Gift Ideas, Illustration, Pen Jar Productions, Toronto Illustrators

In my proudest earned media moment to date, yesterday I snagged an interview with Rupert, the white golden retriever.

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Don’t You Love End Papers?

Originally published in April 2024 in Blog, Books, Books on Grief, Books on Parental Grief, Cartoons, Comic, Gift Ideas, Graphic Novel, Grief, Pen Jar Productions

This is the advance reader copy of my new graphic novel that I’m sending out to the media. You can see that it’s got little tags in it where my copy editor Pamela and I have spotted a few tiny bloopers that need correcting before I create the final. But I want to show you […]

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The Power of Daily Journaling & Doodling

Originally published in April 2024 in Blog, Books on Grief, Books on Parental Grief, Cartoons, Comic, Doodling, Graphic Novel, Illustration, Pen Jar Productions, Toronto Illustrators, Visual Notetaking

A day without journaling is like a day without exercise. I write to break through the morning sludge.

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