Change …
Originally published in April 2020 in Blog, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Graphic Visualizer, Toronto Illustrators
Reflections during Covid-19
Originally published in April 2020 in Blog, Graphic Facilitation, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Illustration, Toronto Illustrators
Humans in the Balance during Covid-19: A Comic
Originally published in April 2020 in Blog, Comic, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Graphic Visualizer, Toronto Illustrators
I’m looking for a new printing partner
Originally published in March 2020 in Blog, Graphic Facilitation, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recording, Graphic Visualizer, Toronto Illustrators
Some of you are asking how I’m faring in my search for a new business partner to print and ship my pillows, totes, scarves, and tees at Pen Jar Productions. 👚 👕 First, THANK YOU! 😘 The answer is: I’m doing my due diligence, researching my options online, talking to friends, drinking tea ☕️, and building a chart in […]
Hi Tomato
Originally published in July 2019 in Blog, Comic, Doodling, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Graphic Visualizer, Illustration, Toronto Illustrators
Live illustration in Toronto
Originally published in July 2019 in Blog, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Graphic Visualizer, Toronto Illustrators, Visual Storytelling
It’s always my goal to work with good people. Teaching provides me with that in spades thanks to the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies where I teach the ever-morphing topic of Digital Communications Strategy and Social Media. In essence, this course is about storytelling and the best way to digitally distribute your stories, […]
Multicultural Day on The Esplanade
Originally published in June 2019 in Blog, Custom Portraits, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recorder, Graphic Visualizer, Illustration, Toronto Illustrators, Visual Storytelling
If you are near Crombie Park this Thursday, June 27, please come and say hi. I’ll be working as one of the artists at Jamii Esplanade’s Multicultural Day, along with Andrew Patterson and Alicia Herbert. There will be live performances by dancers, musicians and poets from around the world. Stroll by Jarvis and Esplanade between […]
Lean In Canada Illustrations
Originally published in November 2015 in Blog, Doodling, Graphic Facilitator, Graphic Recording, Graphic Visualizer, Illustration, Visual Notetaking, Visual Storytelling
Last Tuesday, the organizers of Lean In Canada hosted a gathering to brain storm new ways to tackle gender bias in the workplace. Noelle Richadrson, a leading voice in Canada in gender and racial diversity, led the discussion. I was brought on board to illustrate the questions and ideas that were raised. My hearty thanks […]