Alison Garwood Jones

The Evolution of Digital Strategy

Originally published in January 2024 in Blog

Digital Strategy has evolved since 2014, calling for marketers to write a new playbook.

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Summer School

Originally published in May 2023 in Blog

As a freelance writer and illustrator, it’s my job to stay on top of the latest tools to create, market and distribute my writing, illustrations, videos and audio content. If this is relevant to your job too, join me in class this summer for Digital Communications Strategy & Social Media (also available in Micro courses) […]

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Social Media: Chapter One is Over

Originally published in January 2023 in Blog, Social Media Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, Webinars

I’ve often said that teaching digital communications is not like guiding a class through the 17 French verb conjugations. Those won’t change. Digital comms … not so much. Think: cinematic storm clouds and thunderclaps, and maybe an arena full of bucking broncos! So here I am again writing down ideas on tiny torn-up sheets of […]

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Ever the student

Originally published in October 2021 in Blog

Ever the student, I decided to complete the Google Certificate in Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design with Coursera. I took notes. Lots of notes! Junior High Alison is alive and well — behold the highlighters and outlined headers. Junior High Alison also likes that she received 97.41%. I went through this course almost every […]

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The Reinventionist

Originally published in July 2020 in Blog, Toronto Illustrators

My brain cells were popcorn listening to Joe Jackman in conversation with Tara Hunt and Stefani Forster for the Anatomy of a Strategy Podcast (July 5, 2020 episode). As Joe says, “The future arrives daily. Create it now. Get it out of the lab. You don’t need to place big bets. Be thoughtful about where […]

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