Then and now This post is dedicated to #RememberThe14,#December6, #MontrealMassacre, #ABetterMan, @EngineersCanada Twitter eggshell image via @CompDealerNews
More on loving your job
Originally published in June 2014 in Blog
He was all shiny and aquiline when he walked up to the lectern.* His face was pulled tighter than a drum. Jeff Koons, Julian Assange and Andy Warhol stood backstage and watched. Meanwhile, a team of caterers behind some swinging doors at the back were preparing to serve us His Menu of grilled salmon and […]
I Woman, you Man — what’s it all mean?
Originally published in June 2014 in Blog
Language classes
Originally published in May 2014 in Blog
Originally published in March 2014 in Blog, Uncategorized
“When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’ Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can […]
Rabbit remembered
Originally published in March 2014 in Blog
Neverending story
Originally published in August 2013 in Blog
The meaning of “is”
Originally published in August 2013 in Blog
This one’s for the ladies. It’s about all those conversations with men that make you go, “Huh?” True story: a male philosophy professor makes unwanted passes at a female graduate student, sending her innuendo-filled texts and e-mails. She calls him on it (even shows her boyfriend the evidence). The professor refutes her interpretation of events, saying […]
The Burka Avenger
Originally published in August 2013 in Blog
When Pakistani pop star Aaron Haroon read about girls schools in his country being evacuated and shuttered by extremists, he decided to take action. He assembled a team of digital artists and editors in Islamabad (mostly men, but clearly good ones) to create a new superhero who is underscoring just how lame Disney’s Western princesses […]